Friday, August 21, 2009


the way of gentleness, by elizabeth vickers, c. 1998 bc7434141
savannah secrets, by fiona hood-stewart, c. 2005 bc7434143
molly fox's birthday, by deirdre madden, c. 2008 new book wcl

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


dune road, by jane green, c. 2009 -- res, copy from pcl

ah postponing down an english lane & powers

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


once in a lifetime, by cathy kelly, c. 2009 res ncl
upside down, inside out, by monica mcinerney, c. 2002 res lcl
powers, by ursula le guin, c. 2007 res lcl
down an english lane, by margaret thornton, c, 2006 res ncl
quotes#731823 Slumdog Millionaire

I had only fifty thousand rupees, but every rupee had a technicolour dream written on it and they stretched out on a cinemascope screen in my brain to become fifty million. I held my breath and wished for that moment to last as long as it possibly could, because a waking dream is always more fleeting than a sleeping one. p179

You have been counting rosary beads for an era,
But the wandering of your mind does not halt,
Forsake the beads in your hand,
And start moving the beads of your heart. p110

Friday, August 07, 2009

quotes-from-my-notebook#718527 Paying for It and other stories

Sometimes in families, the child is more grown up than the adults, like Ayesha in this story. Parents make mistakes, but that doesn't mean that they stop caring. Being part of a family can be a painful, messy business. Accepting this is often the key to survival. p43

When I was little my mum and dad were abroad a lot, and when they were away I sometimes used to stay in Scotland with people who were kind to me but left me on my own a lot. Outside my bedroom was a dark corridor with a bookshelf crammed with ghost stories and horror stories. I read right through them. Sometimes I was too scared to sleep. But I kwpt on reading more ... p67

Slumdog millionaire, by Vikas Swarup c. 2005 -wcl teen

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

quotes#799385 from my notebook The Broken Window

"The butterfly effect," she said. "A small thing in the past makes a big difference in the future." p277

Amelia Sachs didn't believe in a sixth sense. Not in the way people think of the supernatural. To her, the whole world was so amazing and our senses and thought processes so complex and powerful that we didn't need superhuman skills to make the most perceptive of deductions. p246